08037084299 info@cenadschools.com.ng

Cenad Early Days School

Cenad Early Days School was opened in 2003. It was opened out of the burning desire to give excellent foundational education to children in their early years. Since the establishment of our school 19 years ago we have continued to improve in all areas. It is fully equipped with professional staff, good infrastructure, and a conducive environment for learning.

Our learners are made to think of themselves as future leaders and have the capability to make a positive contribution to society. Our school motto ( strive for excellence) was borne as a result of the need for learners to strive to be at their best all the time and to use the knowledge they acquire to tackle issues they will come in contact with after school.

Our Curriculum

We offer a rich curriculum covering Nigerian and other international countries like the British and American curriculum.

This is delivered using the Montessori Method, especially at the early years (This is a system of education where a child is been tenderly tutored using the child method) generally we try to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for the learners.

We place a high standard in core subjects which includes mathematics, science, English, Social studies, Civic education, and Health Education. We also give our learners opportunities to develop interest and abilities in music, arts, drama, sports, and public speaking and leadership skills.

We also seek to involve parents in setting these standards through discussions and continuous communication.

Sports and Co-Curricular Activities

Here at Cenad we encourage our learners to set their own goals and develop their individual potential. We strongly believe in maintaining a balance in academics, artistic and sporting activities. Therefore we offer opportunities for learners to take part in an impressive variety of sports at all levels.

Every learner is encouraged to participate in various co-curricular programmes which offers them an opportunity to interact with peers and staff outside the classroom environment. This helps learners improve their social life, gain self-confidence, acquire leadership skills and learn how to function as a team. Some of the sporting events we have include:- Football, Basketball, Table Tennis, Long jump, High jump, etc.

Other activities we participate in include: career talks, leadership talk, cultural day, open days, excursions, inter-house sports, and public speaking. School clubs include: Science club, Creative arts club, Music club, Literary club, Ballet club, and Karate club


Homework is a serious affair in our school. Learners go home daily with homework and over the weekend they go with take-home tests. The school library has extensive libraries and learners may borrow books to read at home. The love of reading is strongly encouraged.

School Aims

  • To provide a broad balanced and relevant curriculum to the learners
  • To identify every learner’s potential for and provide appropriate resources for that potential
  • To recognize that some learners will need special support in one or more of the following areas- emotional, behavioral, or academic development.
  • To monitor progress and record outcomes
  • To facilitate effective placement of children into good secondary schools.

Admission Policy

Cenad is a popular school. We are a family of learning dedicated to excellence. The management, staff, and learners work as a team. We believe that the opportunities we offer are among the best in our area. If anyone wishes to come and join us in our thriving school we will be delighted to welcome him/her. The opportunity offer ranges are:-

Health and Safety: Our learners are supervised at all times during the day. The nurse on duty is a caring mother who tends to the children when they are feeling low or if minor accidents occur in the school. Parents are also contacted if need be.

P.T.A:  Our P.T.A has been very active. We hold regular meetings in the school. All parents, teachers, and guardians are members of the association. We hope that all parents will feel totally committed to and involved in our school. We rely on the parents to help us ensure that learners have all materials needed for effective learning.